Thanks to Prime Reviewer
I have not written in some time. I keep thinking of getting back into it. I felt this was the time.
A few months ago Prime Reviewer stepped away from reviewing suddenly. He was a private individual and he did not share a lot of info about his private life with the caching community, and other reviewers. I had reviewed Earthcacches in Texas for six years, so I had some communication with him.
He ran a number of websites that suddenly went dark (Evince and a few others). Many of us worried, I did not hear from him, and assumed that he was burned out and just wanted to get away. Then the word came that he had passed away. I was saddened, as many were, in his passing, then I wanted to take a moment to think of his contributions.
I don't know who took this photo, but it was being shared around facebook, and I wanted something here for him.
Primes Impact
I think most do not realize what this man accomplished. He did not toot his own horn, or stand on a hill and pronounce it to the world. However, in my opinion, the work that he has done on behalf of caching is more prominent than anyone outside of Geocaching HQ.
Prime published a lot of caches. A lot, lots, tons, way more than tons. As far as I understand he published more as a reviewer in Texas than any other reviewer. I can't give numbers, but 10-12 times the numbers of most reviewers. He published more in some busy years than most reviewers ever publish.
He was also very active for 13 years in the reviewers forum. As far as I am aware of no one posted more of his opinions, helps, guides, advice, criticisms, and ideas. On the same scale as above. Most lurk and do not voice opinions, yet he was always in the thick of it.
Then were the little programs, helps, macros, and guides he published to help the reviewers (and players) help in the game. I do not know of more than one or two reviewers that do not use his programs. When I came on board in 2009 there was a list of a bunch for me to choose from, the reviewer that trained me spent hours helping get them set up and running correctly.
He worked tirelessly in Texas. His love for the game was seen by many. However I think few will ever see how much advice and help he gave the caching community. I will easily state that no one outside of Geocaching HQ did as much for caching as he did, but most will not see that. Your caches for the last decade or more, in England, Austrailia, Germany, USA, and especially in Texas were touched by this man.
I salute you Prime. Thank you for all you have given. See you on the other side.