Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Tag: Friends

This weeks Podcacher, friends.

I really liked this weeks Podcacher Show 275.0: A Puzzling Day. It was one of the better podcasts that I have heard in the last few weeks.  I think it appealed to my evil streak.  Anytime you can come up with new puzzles it is a good thing.  Podcacher is one of my insperations.  I have a few that I took ideas from them.

In all it was a great show.  The pet GPS tracker would be good.  I really love the reverse geocache you can check it out here.   It is an idea where you need to get a box to a particular spot.  Then it will open. You need to take the cache container to the coordinates, then it will unlock.  I looked at the design at one point.  I should delve into it a little more.  i have a few hardwood boxes that I made some time ago that I would like to try it on.

I am still working through some of the caches in my list.  I am down to about 140 caches to go through.. i have a lot on hold that I am working on as well.  If I have not looked at your cache, or if you are wondering what is going on.  I have forgotten them before.  I have had as many as 300+ caches in my queue and on hold when I got back from scout camp.  So feel free to pipe up if you are wondering what is going on with yours.  That is what email is for. 


I wanted to toss in a bit about my friends.  I was reading the latitude 47.  The blog of groundspeak.  they just had an article A Journey of 1001 Days of Geocaching.  It made me think of some of the great friends and local cachers there are.  I will try and write a bit about them when I get the chance.  This guy has done 1000+ days of caching.  Yet Dr Jay passed 1200 in the past few weeks, and he has 700+ ftf's.  Jac0b passed 1800 caches.  I remember early on wondering who these two were. I am happy to have met them and count them among my friends.  

We have so many fantastic people here in Utah.  I have a hard time listing and naming them all.  Many I have met, and many more I have yet to meet. So until we do meet.  Good luck and good caching.


Breakfast, Cito, and Scouts.

I woke up way to early.  I did not mean to, but I did.  I guess it is the result of getting older, but sadly it is killing the fact that I stay up too late.. but I digress.. back to topic.  I decided that if I got up I would head to breakfast with some of the others that were going: DrJay, Jac0b, PeanutsParents, Princess Daisies, SuperTbone, the Mortys, and spouses. 

I went and ordered, and was kind of happy.  I wait until the last second to order.  Too many choices and I am lost.  Someone recommended it, and I jumped on it, two robin sized eggs-scrambled, overcooked sticks of bacon, a cup of yogurt that had a cup of granola behind it that I did not see until I was done, and a muffin.  Not bad. Then I saw what the Dr had.

I found myself annoyed. He had so much food.  I wanted to attack him and steal some of it.  4 biscuits?  gravy?  and that slice of ham and the eggs just like from home.. oh hash browns and apple stuff.

Man I felt screwed.  It was just wrong on so many levels.

But on with life.  Afterward we headed outside to go to the CITO.  No one was in a big hurry, the weather was bad and we were delaying it. It was time.

I have been lazy, with about 10 this year, and a few last year I have been to a grand total of..... one.   So I figured I needed to go and I did not want to be dragged off.

So the train began off in the cars and off to the other exit on the other side of the freeway to the CitoGoblinCamper was all ready by that point.  They were just getting rolling.  Well I finally grabbed my but in gear.

Apparently Jacob found something that resembled a kids fireman hat.  I went to take a pic and he jumped in.

Well Here is his handsome pic.  Eat your heart out girls, he is single, and apparently he has a really big head if that hat is for adults. 

Here is the one I snapped later on

I liked this one.. The color was great.  So I had to throw it in the mix on a wet afternoon.  There were a afew more things going on.. like the cito. I did finally get gloves on and clean up some garbage.  It was time.

Then I headed off for my day of scouting.  Getting a trailer running, lights, truck, cleaning car, buying food, food and more food. I wonder if I can get through tomorrow.

On a side note Balding Eagle and Art Vandelay found my new cache, Fudge Nugget.  I had hopes that it would be harder than it was.  But that is my luck.  Hopefully they found some kind of a challenge to get it, ant that it was not just a walk up and walk away.

Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.