Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Tag: Geocaching Podcast

The Weekend

This last week I headed south to my families stomping grounds, Fishlake.  My grandparents had a cabin here long ago, and it was time for our annual family reunion. 

Not much happened of interest.  I wanted to take a hike around the lake but did not have the chance.  I did look for a few caches. I had pretty mixed luck that day about 50-50  but I did get the final info for a Earthcache I was working on.  I have a few more but I have to get permission from the Forest Service.  I just need to stop by the office in Spanish Fork and talk to them about it before I actually finalize it.  That has always been the biggest pain getting the permission part done.

There were a ton of caches listed this weekend.  I did a few from my phone.  I have to be a little selective.  If there appears to be problem then I have to wait and do it at home.  It takes far to long to write the notes on my phone. 

I did get to place about 6 caches in all. A few I made members only.  Mostly because I feel like they might vanish, so that might help them stay put just a little bit more.  I was shocked at the number of caches that are in that area that are gone.  It appears that a number of cachers have archived their caches that used to be in the area.  I used to have a number of caches in Richfield, and I had about 1/3 now I have about all of them, and i archived a few that have gone away.

I have tried to figure out why some areas are so successful with the number of cachers.  I think each area needs 2-3 people that actively place caches. or people find all in their neighborhood and they give up.  Vernal, St George, Weber County, Utah County, all seem to have so many caches being placed that it keeps people going.  Other places like Davis, and Salt Lake counties, seem to have enough cachers that they keep people going.  They get enough interest to travel to look for caches.



On another note, Geocaching Podcast mentioned the Kokapelli in southern Utah.  Billion put in a ton of work on those caches, and getting the it up.  What is really amazing is that he had to plan the caches before going and haul them all there.  Regardless of wether it was a hard place to get to or not.  Congrats Billion.

So many caches.. so little time.... talk to you later.


Podcast mania

I spent a fair amount of time this week trying to listen to the different geocaching podcasts. This week they were so so.  I was listening to last weeks as well.  I have the ability at work to download them and stick them in my ear while I work.  It is far better than sitting and listening to the same songs over and over

Podcacher has came to be my favorite.  They talk about a few of everything. I listened to show 273 called Invasion, Fire Tacks and a Big Green Frog.  They are interesting.  Cover a number of subjects.  It was not one of  the better ones, however this last one is Show 274: Geocachers Vs Plants.  There was a great idea that one area had about using geocachers that were out in the woods to locate and identify noxious weeds that are growing in the area.   The full article is located Here.  A few other ideas were thrown in there.

Geocaching podcast was a bit different this week.  For some reason that I missed the guys did not get together and just one of them did this weeks program.  It was on Leave No Trace and geocaching.  I completed the training to be a Leave No Trace Trainer a few years ago.  Though I am not rabid like some, there are a large number of Leave no Trace principles that apply to geocaching.  I have thought about writing more about Leave no Trace and coming up with a training program that is specific to the geocaching program.

I am just starting to listen to todays and it has Jenn  as a guest.  Jenn is one of the great people from the Lillypad in Seattle.  I have had a few phone calls with her.  So I look forward to listening to her discuss geocaching.

I listened to this a bit.  They only broadcast once a month.  I had wanted to listen to a geocaching podcast from nearby.  They are as close as possible.  Unfortunately there is not one locally, and I am not sure that it is a good idea for me to put one together, but in the end I decided that it was not a great idea.  Maybe someday when I am done with the reviewing idea.


Well that is it for the day. Heading off to listen to Geocaching Podcast.  I will post a bit more about it later.  Go Jenn  :D

Geocaching Podcast

Well I downloaded this weeks geocaching podcast tonight.  This show is a real roller coaster for me.  They have some great topics, and some terrible ones. Great audio, and other times it is downright horrible.

They tend to spend a lot of time chattering on about technology, and about technical items.  Unfortunately they get bogged down in some details. And if I hear them talk about a cache and go G-C-1-3-4-4-5 again.. I will go nuts.  Just tell me the name and put the GC number in the podcast notes. It really sounds dumb.

Mediocre today.  They seem a bit critical of everything that Geocaching.com has done.  The like button.  That I was told by one of the lackey in all caps last night, is not for rating caches. 

Oh wait you do not get the right effect without the caps..let me try again.

The like button IS NOT FOR RATING CACHES. It is to share caches you like with your friends on facebook.  Nothing more or less.   If you don't like facebook, don't participate.

Actually I do not remember if it was in all caps, but he did emphasize the point.

They did chatter on about collectibles that I do not know anything about, even thought I followed some discussions about it in Reviewer forums, and chats, but I did not pay that much attention.  they also discussed the Garmin Map 62.  I would like to see one.  but I have no real desire to change.

New icons
Yes there are two new icons out there.  Some have misunderstood that it will be for the Triad. (Main office, Ape, and First Cache.  Nope.  That would be stupid actually (in my opinion).  The first cache was archived many years ago, so I do not really even include it.

One will be for the Lily pads Headquarters.   I have not read to see if it applies to all past and future visits.  The other will be for the 10th anniversary party.

I think I have decided to go. Enough people asked me that I am heading up... I think.

Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.