Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Tag: Accident

The good the bad and the ugly.

Well here goes the story for the week.  I packed up with a group of young men and headed to Maple Dell for my scout camp.  It was going to be rough, eating food and letting the scouts do all the work, but someone has to do it.

There was a lot to do to get ready, medical forms, getting a physical (weee).  So much to do and so little time.

I did finally get everything together.  I about forgot to actually get someone to look over the Utah Queue.  At the last second I send out some feelers to HighCountryAdmin, one of the greatest reviewers of all time, all hail his name.  I actually have to say that.  I think it was part of the contract of having him train me.  I must always point out how fantastic he is.  He would be to have to put up with me.

After a long day saturday I headed up to the mountain with the boys.  Everything went well.  I did take the time to get out and see a few things.  I showed a few of the boys a micro that was at the entrance.  Not a great one, but placed by one of my favorite cachers Cervine Girls.  She has worked at this camp for a number of years.  Due to a series of events she is at another camp this year.  That kind of depressed me.  But it was fun anyway.

Well the time at camps was pretty well spent.  Arrival is full of many duties that entail, looking lost, lifting lots of heavy stuff, wondering if you will have the courage to use the outhouses after you smell them, and wondering if you can actually sneak away and get a cache.

Well that night we headed up to do a service project around the lake.  Great view.

We spend a few hours caching around the lake.  Of course what could be more fitting when looking for trash than trying to find a cache.  When everyone was settled down and waiting to go home I broke away and headed up into the trees to find a cache left by a scout troop.   

Troop 68 Rocks Layson Lakes  has been around for 4 years.  Not bad.  Seems like most that i have found are 2 years old or less.

It was a hundred yards off the trail and up in the weeds.  It was pretty easy to spot.  There are not many rocks in the area, they must have scavanged to find the few that they used.  But the big one on top.. not really heave but a little kid would not have mored. it.  

Nothing much inside, but then I do not pay attention to that.  It is too much work and too much pain for me to worry about the contents.  After finding it I scrambled back and we headed down to camp. 

Later in the week thrusday night four of us headed for a walk.  There are a ton of caches placed by Baldin Eagle about scouts.  I have spent a ton of time solving them, and have a few more to go.  A few have me really stumped, but I will get them sooner or later.  I am missing something obvious.  We did stop and get Citizinship in the Community.  They are a bunch of puzzles that are in the shape of a scout symbol.  Really cool.  I have done a few dozen (or less), I passed a number, but we were hiking with youth and did not want to spend the day looking for caches with boys that may not want to.

After my trip home and looking over my reviewing queue I had a bunch of issues that I had to deal with.  Too many people did not get my auto response that I am out of town.  If you sent an email to me and used geocaching.com and did not select the button to include your email address, you thought I was ignoring you.  It was not the case, a few I should have dealt with earlier, but I had not taken the time.

Then last night as things were getting back to normal and I was going home to buy tickets to geowoodstock and back, a young lady pulled out, and into the side of my car.  :P  so now I am without car.  Well I can play Dukes of Hazard and go in and out the window, but I am not 22 anymore.  Plus my car is small and it is tricky to wiggle behind the seat.

Munched door and some of the frame.  So we will see what happens.



Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.