Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Tag: Photography

A Geocaching Photo Day.

Far too often we never look at the photos that people place on your caches.  You really never see them, you are not notified of them, and often they are kind of dumb.  I have a ton of Earthcaches with dozens upon dozens of photos of someone holding their GPS.  I don't ask them to take a photo of their GPS, or their forhead, or whatever, but I get them.  

Once and a while you get some cool photos.  Something that says.  "thanks for bringing me here"  Today I thought I would share some.  I was going through them today.  I wish there was a quick and nice button to hunt for photos on my caches alone.  I tried to stick to no more than one per cache. 

GC1CNE6 by Scipio43This is a little bit away from the cache, but a cool pictures

GC1CNE6 by Scipio43This is a little bit away from the cache, but a cool pictures

GC1CNEA by billdevCows out eating in the marsh

GC1CNEA by billdevCows out eating in the marsh

GC1EF22 by snownomiI loved this stamp he used.  He passed away a year or more ago.  I miss his smiling gace and logs.

GC1EF22 by snownomiI loved this stamp he used.  He passed away a year or more ago.  I miss his smiling gace and logs.

GC1FQ25 by fam2goa picture from one of my Wherigo tours.

GC1FQ25 by fam2goa picture from one of my Wherigo tours.

GC1TKKNSilverheelsA shot from an Earthcache. at Castle rock campground.  I will be honest, I edited the photos rotation a bit.

GC1TKKNSilverheelsA shot from an Earthcache. at Castle rock campground.  I will be honest, I edited the photos rotation a bit.

GC1XPWP drgw3128Another shot from a Wherigo, of one of my Pirate containers for a geocachie.  He was crazy enough to go hunt in the snow for it.

GC1XPWP drgw3128Another shot from a Wherigo, of one of my Pirate containers for a geocachie.  He was crazy enough to go hunt in the snow for it.

GC1XPYD Sierrawildflower & GeoHikerAnother ending to a Wherigo.  You have to have treasure at the end of a pirates treasure hunt.

GC1XPYD Sierrawildflower & GeoHikerAnother ending to a Wherigo.  You have to have treasure at the end of a pirates treasure hunt.

GC1XWTR zacknmomI placed a cache at a simple walk to overlook.  It was when I took DK Titan out for a caching run.  You walk over the hill top, some 30 yards from the road, and this is what you see.

GC1XWTR zacknmomI placed a cache at a simple walk to overlook.  It was when I took DK Titan out for a caching run.  You walk over the hill top, some 30 yards from the road, and this is what you see.

GC2BV56 toja7A nice wade to get to the other side.  They did not want to walk around.

GC2BV56 toja7A nice wade to get to the other side.  They did not want to walk around.

GC2CPRQ cold1He always complains that I am out to kill him by placing caches.  This was possibly the closest I came to doing it.  Maybe next time.

GC2CPRQ cold1He always complains that I am out to kill him by placing caches.  This was possibly the closest I came to doing it.  Maybe next time.

GC2DG6M JacobBarlowAnother small hike.  I think it was only a few hundred yards.  See that point way over there.  I place a cache on that point as well.

GC2DG6M JacobBarlowAnother small hike.  I think it was only a few hundred yards.  See that point way over there.  I place a cache on that point as well.

Hope you enjoyed them.  I have another two groups of 10 with my favorite caching photos, on my caches to come.

A little break


Timp2 Sunset

After being very busy for a while, I am taking the slow down to take a break.  I have been taking a few pictures and spending some time trying to get a few things fixed.  Time to put the grill back on the truck after a transmission line broke and I replaced it. So much fun, so busy, but I know next week is the end of the month and I will be busy again, so if I do not do anything now I won't do it for a while.

Above you see a picture I took the other night while leaving Harbor Freight.  I was in the right place at the right time to see a blazing orange sunset reflecting off the mountain.  I have had a few great experiences with them right now.

I decided to take the challenge on podcacher and I am doing a 365ish photo challenge.  Try and take a photo every day of the year and post them on  flickr.  Some are nice, some are stupid, but I am trying.  I also posted 12 photos that I took on Jan 12th. 

I have thought about hosting a group that does something similar.  I may pick a Saturday and do a 12 hours 24 photos.  Take a picture every half hour for 12 hours.  A photo journal.. it is just a thought.


This is another photo that I was in the right place.  I actually was racing to the right place.  I wanted to get all the power poles, buildings, and stuff like that out of the way.

I was sure the light was going to fail, or the color would go away before I found that perfect shot.  It did face a lot, but it still turned out great.

Listings have been slow. RedHiker and I have published 50 listings in a week. With two of us: 25 each, and that works to about 3-4 each per day.   As I thought about that more.. That is a lot of caches for the middle of winter.

I have caught a few pod casts this week, nothing great to mention, but I liked podcacher a lot, as usual.  they have the best quality of all them.  I even broke down and sent them money $3, but I am sure it adds up.   I should do that, hmmmmm help offset the costs of my camera, and the website.  That is too much though.

I am toying with the idea of making a geocoin this year, of my own.  So we will see, maybe.  If someone would buy it, I may consider it.

Placing caches

I have placed a few, and I am working on more that two dozen.  With it being cold I am breaking down and doing some that are appropriate in the snow.  That means that I can put together, plan and enjoy from the warmth of my home.

Please don't post the answer to these if you figure them out....

One was a spur of the moment at lunch.  Poorjack's 230 day streak of fun & festive things GC2M1KC. Was an afterthought.  I read on facebook that he woke up and realized that he had not gotten a cache the day before.  So his caching streak was ended.  I decided that I would list this to acknowledge his feat.  It is no where near DrJays, but it is far better than myself.  I hit one hundred and was so glad to reach it, that I stopped. 

Mungos that Mussinate GC2M14G was tossed together a while ago. I finally got it together and listed it. It only took me months to make sure that it was right. A word of warning, you need to wait for spring thaw before you go after it.  Though many people are looking at it, there are not many actually guessing.  So we will see as spring goes on. 

You can do Ether Cache GC2MB2E  was finished last week. I have heard nothing on that one either, but with the snow I do not blame anyone.  This was an interesting concept, and a trial.  So we will see how it goes. 




Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.