Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Tag: Camp Hobe

Camp Hobe' Geocaching Fund

Well I am back again.  Here is a great chance to help others.

Raising some funds to help run geocaching at a camp for kids with cancer and their siblings. 


From Ho'okele

Camp Hobe' is a special summer camp designed for children with cancer and their siblings, who are often forgotten in the cancer experience. Camp Hobe' gives kids the opportunity to participate in camp activities just like healthy children whose families are not affected by cancer.

Throughout their time at camp, Camp Hobe' kids grow in spirit, strength, and understanding. They are allowed to play outside with other children, to discover the joy and freedom of being away from the confines of the hospital, and to temporarily displace the fears that the future holds. This is their chance -- sometimes their only chance -- to "just be kids" and to escape the grown-up realities they face everyday.

Camp Hobe' Geocaching Fund is asking for your donations to help out with our annual Geocaching event at the camp. Each year, during both the children's week and the teen week, awesome Geocachers come together to hold an event for the kids. Geocaches filled with goodies are placed throughout the camp for the young campers to find. It is a hit with the kids every year!

No donation is too small. Every little bit helps!

This year, Jan & Ken Morales will be hosting the event.

Thank you to all the angels who have made this event possible!

If you can support this great cause with a few dollars.  More money means better swag for the caches and the kids.


Here is a link to last years.


and info on the year before that (2010)


Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.