Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Filtering by Category: Geocoin

My Backpack's Watch

In 2010 I was coming to the end of my first year as  a reviewer, and we were approaching the 15th year celebration.  that year I got a watch.  It is one of the nicest gifts that I have ever received as a volunteer.  I don't know the exact reasoning, but it was after we had them that a discussion about making them trackable.

So we were sent the codes and I had it engraved.   I clipped it on my Camelback (backpack) and headed out into the caching world.

I decided that I would not tell anyone about it being trackable.  So it hung there.  I hauled it to about 60+ events.  It went with me on trips and hike, and to two mega events. I carried my coins to a number of events inside it.  Many people saw it and commented, a few even looked at the back.  Yet, no one realized that it was trackable.

Last summer it stopped working. The hands quit running.  There is a little map light attached, it still works.  The reason I carried it is fading.  It was always running, and told the time.  Oh well.


I was facebookered (or something like that) and told that it had a battery to replace.  The light worked so I was sure that it was fine.  I opened it up and the battery was fine, but under the battery, was another battery.  Glory be the age of science that we live in. 

Now I have a watch that runs, with a light, and both are amazing. 

Now onto the the verb facebook, facebooking, hmmm, I am sure something like that is a real word.

Geocoin time

Well after I made a coin a few years ago I decided it was time for round two.  I have been looking for places for some time, and decided that it was time to dive in.


My new coin.

I got these back today after I spent my time working on them.  Hopefully I will have a sample soon. Needless to say I am exited.

i wanted to find two things, both deal with Utah.  Everyone does delicate arch.  So I thought I would use Rainbow Bridge.  A really cool monument in the desert.  The back came to me after a lot of thought.  I had taken a picture at the location of Potter's Ponds.  So I decided to use that photo for the back, and highlight the cache.


Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.