Thanks FTF Loggers — Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Thanks FTF Loggers

This is an experiment.  I thought I would grab some logs off the most recent caches I have published.  Just to share.  I have not looked yet, so as I start copying they may be boring or interesting.

Got up early this morning and made a little hike to the cache and was the FTF.
Sure was nice and peaceful out here and just to listen to the birds making their sounds. TFTC SL

FTF this morning at 5:30. I woke up this morning to find that a cache had gotten published while I was sleeping. After seeing that it still hadn't been found I quickly got dressed and headed out. I was able to come up with it after a short systematic search.
I've lost track of the number of caches I've found in this park over the years. One of my very first FTFs was here. I think this is the 4th?
Anyway, nice hide and TFTFTF.
Day #3404

FTF Woo Hoo! Took the turkey left some $.

Photo by Cold1 from

Photo by Cold1 from

FTF with Cold1 at 1:30 PM. I saw this one was published and knew Cold1 was heading down to the Salina area for work today, so I told him about it and I tagged along today. After some appointments in Gunnison this morning we cached our way down to Salina. Had to be a little sneaky because there where men doing yard work around the building. Found the cache without anyone noticing, but then Cold1 went around front to take a picture and got caught by a nice little lady and the next thing we knew we were in the museum. Some very nice painting on the cache container and I would say it looks like the great work of Madambutterfly again! Sign log, took note of the number and TFTFTF!

same cache at the same time.

Photo by Superhooper55 from

Photo by Superhooper55 from

FTF with Superhooper as we cached our way down to this new Sevier Utah Geo Tour. Very cool building that I pass quite often while working in the area. As I was taking some pictures out front an older lady came out and invited me into the museum. She introduced us to another equally nice older lady and for the next hour we hear all about the artifacts in the building. Cache has tons of swag in it to the point that you almost can't close the lid. sl, tftc

Was just about to head out to get one that was posted this morning when this one popped up. Jumped in the car and headed out, as I got the other cache in the park several weeks ago. I spent about 20 minutes looking for this, knowing where it had to be, but not finding it. I was finally resigning myself to defeat for the evening, and started across the bridge, as someone approached me. "Are you a cacher?" he asked. When I said yes, he introduced himself as ETrunner, whom I'd never met but certainly recognized from all of his FTFs in the area. He wouldn't let me accept defeat tonight and encouraged me to join him, so we took another look together. Thanks to his sharp eyes, we quickly found it (don't know how I missed it before, but I did -- repeatedly) and put our mark on the log, with ET graciously sharing the FTF. A great find, and an even greater experience as I gained a new friend tonight. Thanks to the CO for this cache!

FTF at 10:20 this evening. Packed up misses cold1 and the coldettes. Headed out the door with flashlights. One of the coldettes found this one. Went to sign the log and realized we rushed out the door without a pen. The cache mobile is in the shop so our usual cache gear wasn't around. Ran to 7-11 to steal a pen so we could sign the log. Thanks for the family adventure!


This was a great location and great view! I did learn more about the Texas area with this earthcache. That is what it is all about! I didn't see anyone go after this one and had to make an attempt early in the AM. Glad I was able to do it! The rock formations were very interesting to look at! Also, there is a great pull off at the location and no fees to be paid to get to this one! Good Job!
Went with the +1 to Corpus Christi to watch a co-worker graduate from Texas A&M with her Master's Degree. That was exciting! But, it was also fun to go grabbing many geocaches. I focused on cemetery caches to keep getting closer to the 500 Texas Cemetery count. We had to avoid the boil notice in Corpus and then faced downpours of rain coming back home. It was a quick, fun get away. Found some good geocaches and grabbed about 24 smiles! Our logs could be signed as "TKG + S_G"
Thanks to all the hiders, without you...there wouldn't be any finders!
Photo by the thekengrene on

Photo by the thekengrene on

FTF at 12 noon today. Parked in Welcome Wash and hiked 2.8 miles in perfect weather with my hiking dog buddy Zinger. Very enjoyable and educational. Answers have been submitted.
Photo by Billionj on

Photo by Billionj on

Went out on a great spring morning to look at these rock to come up with the answers. Sent the CO the answers to the CO, hoping they'll work since I'm not exactly a geological whiz. But, isn't that the purpose of an earthcache, to learn something new? And I did, so thanks for setting this up. TFTC!

FTF on this one. I pulled up to use the facilities and noticed that there was an earth cache. When I checked for recent activities, the only one represented on my phone is from being published. I tried to answer the questions as best as I could and I used my phone to log this and to send the answers to the cache owner. I like this little rest area it provides a much-needed break so I can get to and through Billings. I like coming up this way from Rock Springs because the views going through the various ranges and going through the Wind River Canyon are spectacular. The only drawback is that when I reach Laural, it is interstate and limited scenery most of the way home.

My conclusion

I only left two out.  The rest were actually pretty cool. Ok most of the logs that may have followed were not that great.  But thanks to the FTF finders on making this little experiment fun.

Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.