Thanks For the (Unique) Log — Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

Thanks For the (Unique) Log

I placed my first cache in 2008 and I quickly learned that the log is my thanks for the caches that I place.

Age Old Complaint

Every since I started caching I have heard the same complaint.  People are terrible loggers. I got that in 2008 and I get that in 2015.  I have tried to go out of my way to log something unique.  Some of the logs that I received were fantastic, and very memorable.  Yet there are others that are downright awful.  I find the terrible ones fall in two categories.

  1.  TFTC, logged, or Will log more later
  2. Some big ramble that has nothing to do with the particular cache.  You know the ones. "This was find #44 of #63 today on our trip from X to Y.  Lots of finds found, blah blah blah."

I just ignore the first, and second might be more interesting if they talked about the current cache.

Cache Types and Expectations

I have placed over 400 hides (though only about half of those are active).  They range through nine different cache types. They also run from Virtual EarthCaches, and from Micro to Large caches. 

I really have to say that caches that are sitting on the side of a city  sign I never really expect very much. It is the nature of things. Yet big puzzles, large caches, hikes, or EarthCaches I kind of expect more.  I don't always get it, but I do hope for better than a simple line.  I have tried to al least do something interesting on logs, but it does not always happen, but please try.

Some Examples

Rather than whine too much, I thought I would toss out some great examples of logs.  Some could have been simple TFTC, but the cacher made them far more.

Great Logs

Here are a collection of logs that could have been something dumb and simple, but turned out to be something to chuckle about.

momof6furrballs and I accomplished our goal of finding Potters Pond cache and grabbed a few more caches on the way out on Miller Flats Rd. This was one of our stops. We parked with the other millions of trucks that were blocking the view, got out and hiked across the road to check out the cache above. The view up here was unimpeded and stunning. So worth it to get out and take a look. Tons of wildflowers blooming and 360* view. Found the cache in good shape, SL and rehid. TFTC!!! TFTView!!!

ZacknMom's photo from

ZacknMom's photo from

Find log by The Nighfox

Took a little longer than it should have. Road was dry but decided to walk it instead - probably was faster anyway!
A warning to anyone who goes to find the cache any time soon: There is a big cow pie near the cache with a shoe print in it. I don't know who put the cow pie there, but I do know who put the shoe print in it.
Second in the Lord of the Rings cache series for me.
Second of six in the area this morning.
Consecutive caching day #58!

Find log by MountainHobbit

Like Bilbo when he entertained 13 dwarves at Bag End in the beginning of The Hobbit, satisfying the Dwarves for this quest was a lot of work, especially without Durin. Still, since this hobbit likely wouldn't be down in this part of Middle-earth for another year, it had to be tried. With a little logic and a little elimination and a little guessing, this seemed the best of the possibilities. Had a lot of trouble finding the right place to start, and then the right trail. And all these trees didn't look like dwarven territory somehow. But then this hobbit spotted something through the trees, and thought, 'ah hah! Dwarves WOULD like this place!' And with great pleasure, spotted the treasure. Nice container! Took a magical light no doubt crafted by the skilled dwarvensmiths; left a TB to await another cacher on a quest.

A log by Chasing Blue Sky on something that could have easily been a TFTC, and was to many others.

I was able to skip the mosquitos this morning - it was freaking cold here for a little while as it was getting light out. Still picked up more than a few burrs of different sizes though. Nice to X this one off my list. Thanks!

Log by Fire Elemental

O U C H ! ! ! !
Revenge will be bitter-sweet!!
I will get the CO back for this one!
Somehow, someway!!
Set out to grab some in Springville today while in the area!!
I had searched very little for this one last July and saw that it had been replaced a month ago!
Determination set in of course! Knowing it WAS for sure there this time I began my search at noon!
After two hours I decided that I had enough! I was covered in pin-pricks all over my body! An I was even wearing a thick hoodie!
Went to lunch and grabbed some others in the area! Knowing I still had a few hours until the event I decided to go back! I was there another hour or so and was about to bail because I was SO SORE!!!!
WHAM-O!!!! I caught eye of it!!!
Every bird for a half mile flew away in terror as I hooted and hollered for joy!!
Inked the fresh log and jolted out of that living HELL!!
Favorite point given just for the idea of pure evil here!!


I have seen geysers in Yellowstone before but never had a clue there would be any in Utah. lagrac has never seen any at all. We never would have known this was here without Geocaching. It was quite the trek to GZ but what fun memories we have now!! We arrived at sunset and had some spectular views!! I beleive this is the last firennice EarthCache of our trip. Thanks so much for putting together so many EarthCaches in the area!!

ClownShoes photo from

ClownShoes photo from


Back for a second try with these. When superhooper and I came up last week we thought that the whereigo was crashing. We have since realized that it was simply operator error. I blame superhooper for this. I enjoyed getting outside again. Even if the entire area looked really really familiar having walked around trying to get it to work the previous week. The two old buggers I was with weren't hurt or maimed in any way. So I didn't have to carry them up or down the mountain. That was also a plus. Thank's for the work put into these. It was really fun.

My EarthCaches and Pictures

People have two chances to say something here.  They can say something when they log the cache, or when they send the answers.  Usually there is a lot of work that goes into them  so an extra special thanks for those that say thanks, or what they enjoyed, learned or did not enjoy at the location.

On any cache it is nice to see a picture. Personally I would appreciate it if you would tell me you are going to post a picture.  If I get an email with the log, I have no idea that you uploaded anything.  However I love to see how sites have changed over the years, people that visit.

And in Conclusion

Thanks to everyone that made me want to look at my phone when I get a log.  I have some that I have stopped looking at, the logs are so terrible that I just don't take the time. However to focus on the good, thanks to you that go out of your way to say thanks, tell a story, or do something different.

As a cache owner I spend time and money putting out a cache.  Carving stamps, making a wherigo, making an interesting challenge, so my only payment is the log. Thanks for the time to say more than a simple phrase.  

Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.