The First Challenges — Exploring Life

Exploring Life

Geocaching, geocoins and the many roads of life.

This is made up of stories from my caching and my reviewing.  It is a collection of those along with comments and thoughts.  Photos, and maps of some adventures and lists of some of the oldest caches.

The First Challenges

I took the time tonight to put together a list of the first challenges.  Well kind of.

The list is for the 100 challenges that are active.  When archived they vanish completely.  So all I could get were those that were still active.

There are a handful that don't seem to meet the requirements, so I guess a few may vanish.  I may have some errors as well.   

Here is the list. 



1 GX1 Snoqualmie Tunnel of Light WASHINGTON
2 GX2 Pull Lenin's Finger WASHINGTON
3 GX4 I’m Bigger Than You! CANADA
4 GX5 First Czech Photo Challenge - Charles bridge CZEK
5 GX7 Field of corn OHIO
6 GX8 Walk The Leamington Labyrinth CANADA
7 GX9 The Long Man's Challenge! ENGLAND
8 GXB Run From Millie INDIANA
9 GXD Take a picture of the Citadel Hill Canon firing CANADA
10 GXF The Big Sweep COLORADO
11 GX12 Take a Photo in your spot! TEXAS
12 GX13 Take a photo of your self at the falls SOUTH DAKOTA
13 GX14
The Man of Steel
14 GX15 Phoon the spirits. CANADA
15 GX16 Stockholmania SWEDEN
16 GX18 soccer place in Harheim GERMANY
17 GX1A Take a Picture of yourself with Mr. Fourth of July ILLINOIS
18 GX1B Hug a Lighthouse NEW JERSEY
19 GX1C Underjord SWEDEN
20 GX1E Gouda - Stadhuis NETHERLANDS
21 GX20 Round and Round GERMANY
22 GX21 len Helen Pine Forest Pine Canopy OHIO
23 GX22 Act Like An A.P.E. Challenge WASHINGTON
24 GX23 Phooning at the Coffee Shop MICHIGAN
25 GX25 Let Freedom Ring in Tennessee TENNESSEE
26 GX26 Freeze Frame ENGLAND
27 GX27 BYU Victory Bell UTAH
28 GX2A "B" Movie – Attack Of The Giant Lobster CANADA
30 GX2D Algonkian Boat Trip VIRGINIA
31 GX2F Ideen-Ei GERMANY
33 GX32 Bite the Cherry! MINNISOTA
34 GX34 Black and White MICHIGAN
35 GX35 Hamburg Rathaus - Hamburg City Hall GERMANY
36 GX36
37 GX38 Conquer the Dam OHIO
38 GX3A Texas Highpoint - Guadalupe Peak TEXAS
39 GX3B Remember The Alamo TEXAS
40 GX3C Mach dich zum Canaletto! GERMANY
41 GX3D Picture Yourself a Rocket! OHIO
42 GX3F Eureka! ENGLAND
43 GX40 Get Blue&Grey to let you replace His Cache ! KENTUCKY
45 GX42 Planes, Trains and Automobiles CALIFORNIA
46 GX43 DIA Artwork - America, Why I Love Her COLORADO
47 GX45 A sit on the wild side ENGLAND
48 GX46 GCNP Thunder River ARIZONA
49 GX47 Visit Little Sable Point Lighthouse MICHIGAN
50 GX49 Swimming at the Potluck MICHIGAN
51 GX4A Nationaal Monument op de Dam NETHERLANDS
52 GX4D Hug a snowman MINNISOTA
53 GX4E Pose like an Olympic Gymnast OKLAHOMA
54 GX50
Rails to Trails Challenge
55 GX52 High Five GERMANY
56 GX55 Go Terps! MARYLAND
57 GX58 Marche dans la Fontaine / A walk in the Fountain CANADA
58 GX59 Take an original picture of the building works NETHERLANDS
59 GX5A Frisco Highline Trail Info Depot Challenge MISSOURI
60 GX5C Zamek w Ogrodzeńcu POLAND
61 GX5D Make a Royal Phoon Of Yourself! CANADA
62 GX5E A Capitol Challenge MISSOURI
63 GX60 Make a fish your friend NEW HAMPSHIRE
64 GX63 K&K Planking Zone Rosenheim GERMANY
65 GX64 First Slovak Challenge - Bratislava, Morový stĺp SLOVAKIA
66 GX67 Take a picture in front of Cinderella's Castle! FLORIDA
67 GC69 Acid Tunnel MISSOURI
68 GC6A Kicking it with Ronald in Marion IOWA
69 GC6B Lady Liberty Photo Op WISCONSON
70 GC6E Alfred E. Vellucci Fountain out your mouth MASSACHUSETTS
71 GC6F Mach dich zum Canaletto! "Canalettoblick" GERMANY
72 GC70 Take a sip! SOUTH AFRICA
73 GC72 Subir os Clérigos PORTUGAL
74 GC74 Sing a Tune WISCONSON
75 GC76 Playing In Gore - Hamilton's 1st Photo Challenge CANADA
76 GC79 Stara radnice CZECH
77 GC7A Storm the Fort INDIANA
78 GC7C Chester Zoo - Bronze Elephant Ride ENGLAND
79 GC7D Hug the Longview squirrel! WASHINGTON
80 GC7E Gib dem Esel der Bremer Stadtmusikanten einen Kuss GERMANY
81 GC7F
Famous Mason - James A Holt
82 GC80 I can see for miles and miles! FLORIDA
83 GC85 Checkers MISSOURI
84 GC86 Mountain of Cards GEORGIA
85 GC88 Smile at the lowest place in North America CALIFORNIA
86 GC8A Tell's son LATVIA
87 GC8C Dino Dinner OHIO
88 GC8E Niagara Falls NEW YORK
89 GC8F Fernando Pessoa Statue PORTUGAL
90 GC92 Nebraska's First - Choose Your County Challenge NEBRASKA
91 GC93
Mackay Statue Look-A-Like
92 GC94 Besuche den Donnersberg GERMANY
93 GC96
Vai uma pinga?
94 GC99 Swallow the Eiffel Tower FRANCE
95 GC9A Railroad Bridge - Green River, WY WYOMING
96 GC9B Ständchen für Beethoven GERMANY
97 GC9C Photo With Snoopy VIRGINIA
98 GC9D Take a ferry ride to Suomenlinna FINLAND
99 GC9E For eene Penning! GERMANY
100 GCA0 To be in the Smiths England

Powered by Squarespace. Home background imaged by Dick Nielson.  This blog is for my fun and enjoyment.  I have been known to receive a t-shirt or coin as a gift at times, but not pay for my ramblings.   No one is dumb enough to actually pay for that.  However if you are that dumb and wish me to speak on your behalf, or issue a statement on your behalf, let me know.  I can be bought.