Two ape geocaches... now just one.
Sorry to get back to this in such a long time. I spent a lot of time getting ready for and attending a scout camp. There was a little news while i was gone.
I guess it was only a matter of time. A matter of time for all the caches out there. This is the perfect example. After turning up missing the cache owner for the last US ape caches decided that it was time to archive it.
The threat of it turning up missing again and again was high enough that it was decided to archive the cache. So now there is only one ape cache left.
I was going to try and go up last fall and go for it, but the entire thing fell through. This year I was hoping to go and grab it, now I guess it is gone and there is not much chance for me to actually make the run for it.
Oh well. I guess this is the same as any other cache. Eventually there is time for everything. Someone that steals any cache on a regular basis could lead to the owner just giving up and walking away. It happens every day, but this time it is one that everyone is watching.