A night with the Bomb Squad
Last night I spent the night with the bomb squad. Not a bomb squad that had me in handcuffs and in the back of a police car, but at a presentation about bombs and geocaching. Bomb Squad area - Notice boxes labeled booby traps and IED's
One of the trhee bomb robots that we were shown
A containment vessel used to haul materials to a safe disposal area.
The group.. a few had left at this time.
A few months ago I heard about one that was done in a state back East. An event that might help open the eyes of cachers and the bomb squads, and open some lines of communication. So I tossed the idea out to Mr Morty. He thought that was a great idea and he went out and set something up.
So last night We got together and went to the county police complex and sat down and watched a presentation about bombs and bomb squads.
I saw that only 4-5 had responded and I expected maybe 10 so I was happily surprised to see a full house, with a few standing in the hall. I counted 40+ that were attending.
His presentation had a lot of things that made me think.
He pointed out things that made them suspicious and more nervous up front.
Duct taped items. That simple act of adding duct tape adds a lot of explosive power to something. So that simple process makes them more wary. Painting does not matter as much to them.
Clearly label. Sounds simple enough and few people actually do it. It removes a lot of worry when they see the label "geocache" on the package. It could be a simple sticker, or handwritten on. That simple act usually will but them more at ease. It may not prevent them from destroying your cache, but you stand a higher chance of avoiding damage to it.
Nothing can do more to have your geocache destroyed than where it is located. Police stations, government buildings, freeway overpasses, electrical substations and bridges tend to be places that make them nervous. And wearing heavy 90 pound suits up steep inclines to find a paint can full of swag is not a great idea.
Container looks.
Having things with wires hanging from them, duct tape, Pipe looking containers, PVC capped tubes, are all poor ideas. Though they may believe they are harmless, they have to treat them as if dangerous, especially if they are near a sensitive area, and are missing labels your cache may go bye bye.
A lot of what we were told was a simple "use your head" We were thanked for his overtime that sent him on a few vacations. He understood that it was a fun hobby for many of us, and did not really ever come out and slam us or the hobby. it was more of an information session, and question and answer.
Afterward we went out and saw their equipment. The armored vans, trailers that carry bomb robots and equipment, bomb making areas and some materials they use. It was all really interesting.
Hopefully both sides will take something out of the experience. Be careful in cache placement, and design. Label it, even if it is with a sharpy pen. Keep it out of bad areas.